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Are you a member of the media and want to talk to Alexis and Mark? Here's what you need to know!
If you have a media inquiry and would like to request an in-person, on-camera, or radio interview with Phoenix personal injury attorneys Alexis Breyer or Mark Breyer, individually or together, contact them directly by calling. You can also use one of our case submission forms as we provide immediate response to all callers and case submissions.
Please include the date you would like to conduct the interview, the subject of injury, and your preferred location. Providing as much information as possible about your interview and media outlet is appreciated.
Alexis and Mark understand many media interviews are needed immediately and try to make themselves available when able to do so to help assist the media and in turn inform the general public.
Thank you for your interest in interviewing The Husband & Wife Law Team. We hope we are able to help you
Call (928) 543-1112