If you own a motorcycle, you already understand the risks inherent in riding it. Motorists are less likely to notice motorcycles for many reasons, including that they aren’t looking for them, motorcycles are less visible because of their smaller size, and because motorists sometimes drive distracted. Motorcyclists also are at risk of suffering greater injury because they are more exposed than people inside cars. Even while wearing helmets and other protective gear, they risk road rash, broken bones, and head trauma.
Unfortunately, many motorcyclists in the Arizona area don’t have the skills necessary to protect themselves and fellow riders from greater injury while awaiting emergency medical services. They may know how to plan enjoyable rides through places like Sunset Point, Bartlett Lake, Wickenburg, Apache Trail, and Castle Hot Springs. They might know how to pack carefully and make the right preparations. They might even have a certificate from completing a defensive driving class. But many don’t know what to do in the event of an accident.
One proactive thing you can do to prepare for an accident is to take accident scene management classes. These classes give you the skills you need to care for your own injuries and injuries of others while waiting for emergency medical personnel.
Students will learn skills like:
How to remove a full-face helmet when the victim is unresponsive and not breathing.
How to open the victim’s airway using the jaw thrust method.
How to move the injured while immobilizing the spine.
How to use PACT (Prevent further injury, Assess the situation, Contact EMS, Treat the injured).
Those who complete the course will receive a certificate of completion. This course is essential for those working in emergency services, motorcyclists, and lay rescuers who want to be prepared to help in the event of an accident. This course compliments other similar courses, including classes about defensive driving and motorcycle safety.
The goal of these classes is to reduce injuries and fatalities in motorcyclists after an accident. Motorcyclists and those who step in to help during an accident will have the tools they need to make informed decisions that could mean the difference between life and death. With these skills, bikers can ride with greater confidence, knowing they are prepared if there is an accident.
Classes are typically a few hours long and are offered on weekends. Plenty of motorcyclists come with their friends and even family members who want to learn emergency rescue skills. Entire motorcycle clubs are also encouraged to attend together. With the information they’ll gain, motorcyclists can ride with great confidence that they’ll know what to do in an emergency. We at Breyer Law Offices, P.C., are offering a discount for our upcoming accident scene management classes in September and October. Click here to find out more!