If you do actually talk to an adjustor at your insurance company, please be aware that every statement you make could be used against you and opens the door for abuse. Through admissions against interest, also known as judicial admission, anything you say that is not to your benefit could be used to weaken your case in negotiations or in court.
Some aggressive insurance adjustors will even say that you admitted to them over the phone that you caused the accident – even if this is a lie. It’s shocking for people to hear this, but we’ve seen it happen before. And whether the statement is true or not, it will certainly hurt your chances for winning full compensation. Simply because you expected your insurance company to be as honest as you are, you must now deal with an issue that would never have come up otherwise. In addition to hurting the strength of your case, these kinds of issues will also prolong your case drastically – turning what might have lasted weeks or months into years.
You’ve probably watched enough police dramas on TV or in the movies to know what the Miranda warning is. If not, though, it’s the warning that the police issue to people when they are arresting them. It starts off by telling them that they have the right to remain silent and anything they say can and will be used against them in the court of law. This warning is a very real warning and can certainly be applied to car accident cases. Please understand that when you make a statement to your insurance company, even if you think that statement was innocent, it can and will be used against you to weaken your case and to minimize the amount of money that the insurance company has to pay out.
So, when it comes to dealing with the insurance company, don’t. Leave that to the trained lawyers who can expertly advise you when you do need to make a statement – and when you don’t.
If you’ve been injured in car accident, please contact us today. We’ve dealt with a lot of insurance companies who underwrite auto insurance and we can help you ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries. Contact us today for a free case evaluation!