Teenagers are already at risk for auto accidents due to their lack of driving experience and inability to ignore distractions on the road. Several other factors also put teenagers at risk for serious, even fatal, accidents.
Reduced use of restraints
Drinking and drug use
Driving while sleepy
Now, a report from Australia links teen depression to an increased risk of driving accidents. The researchers found that they could identify drivers at “greater risk of distress” by using a psychological evaluation that detected signs of depression. Although these results are preliminary, they raise some interesting questions.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has a three-stage plan designed to reduce the number of teen driving accidents in the United States. This plan, known as a graduated drivers license (GDL) involves several restrictions and safe driving components. Beginning drivers must demonstrate responsible behavior in each stage, or they cannot advance to the next stage. Forty-six of the 50 states have adopted this plan with positive results. Florida, for example, has experienced a 9 percent decrease in crashes involving 16 and 17-year-old drivers.
If you or a loved one suffered injuries as the result of an auto accident caused by a teen driver, contact the auto accident attorneys at the Breyer Law Offices P.C. Our experienced Husband and Wife Law Team will work hard to ensure you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Call us today for a free telephone consultation.