People tend to travel more during the holidays to reconnect with friends and family. More people than ever may be traveling this holiday season after the social distancing required with the global pandemic last year. Travel in winter weather conditions comes with some hazards. The following tips can help keep you safe in your holiday travels.
The following tips can help keep you safe in your holiday travels.
Have your car inspected before you start: Make sure your car is road worthy if you are driving to your holiday destination. Winterize with antifreeze. Change the oil and check the wiper blades and tires. Make sure you have a spare tire and a jack. For winter travel, be sure you have traction tires or chains.
Take extra care on snowy or icy roads: Try to staff off the roads until they have been plowed and sanded. Allow extra time to reach your destination and decrease your speed to suit road and weather conditions. Leave plenty of distance between your car and the vehicle ahead so you can stop safely on slick roads.
Plan ahead and know alternate routes: When you plan ahead, you can be prepared for whatever happens. Planning lets you time your travel to avoid busy roads during peak traffic times. When you plot your course, note alternate routes, in case you run into heavy traffic, road construction, or road closures.
Use GPS technology: Having GPS available can make your trip easier. It can direct you to where you need to go, keep you from getting lost, and help you find alternate routes when you need them. Some GPS apps will alert you to traffic hazards in real time and direct you around them.
Bring a cell phone charger: Cell phones can be essential in an emergency, but they only work when they are charged. If you are driving, use a car charger or charging bricks to keep your phone charged. Be sure to pull over and stop first if you need to make a call.
Avoid angry or aggressive driving: Allow extra time to get to your destination in case of heavy traffic, packed parking lots, or weather conditions. Plan ahead, don’t go out if you are stressed, and find a way to stay calm. If you encounter aggressive driving behavior in others, do not make eye contact or respond in kind. Simply get out of the way of anyone driving erratically.
Have a designated sober driver or call for a ride if you drink at holiday gatherings: Alcohol impairment is a leading cause of serious and fatal traffic accidents, particularly at Christmas and New Year’s. Keep yourself and others safe during the holiday season.
Keep an eye on the weather conditions: Weather can significantly affect travel during the holidays, whether you are flying or traveling by car. Track weather updates and check for alternate flights in case of delays or airport closures. If you are traveling by car and severe weather strikes, allow plenty of extra time and drive as slow as necessary for road conditions.
Share your itinerary with family or friends: Let family and neighbors know when you plan to be away, so they can keep an eye on your home. Share your itinerary and contact information so they can reach you in case of an emergency.
If you are involved in a travel accident during the holidays, contact us today for a free case evaluation!