As an adult, you probably believe that an adult swimming accident will never happen to you. However, more than 60 adults visit the emergency room every year for drowning related injuries, according to the Arizona Department of Health Services (AZDHS). Adults can experience drowning and other swimming accident injuries as a result of many different situations, the most common being:
An accident involving boats, jet skis, or water skis
Rough housing or horsing around in the water or on the edges of the water
Mixing alcohol and water activities
Going out to engage in water-related activities in the dark or while exhausted
Preventing Adult Swimming Accidents
Although adult swimming accidents do not happen every day, preventing them should still be a major priority for adults throughout the city. Here are some of the best ways you can protect yourself and your friends when you’re out on, or in, the water:
Always get plenty of rest before you engage in any water-related activities
Leave the alcohol for land parties only
Ensure that there are multiple people around who can assist in a rescue, if needed
Use life jackets when you are engaging in water activities on open water
When to Contact an Adult Swimming Accident Attorney
If you practice caution while swimming, yet the actions of another person result in your being involved and injured in an adult swimming accident, you should reach out to a skilled personal injury attorney. The Husband and Wife Law Team will do whatever necessary to help you get the highest quality medical care to ensure a proper recovery. We will also negotiate with the negligent party to reach a settlement that will cover your medical expenses, replace your lost wages, and support you for as long as your recovery requires. For assistance building your case, contact attorneys Alexis and Mark Breyer.