Once school starts and your kids go full swing back into sports and other activities, it can be difficult to get a handle on everything that’s going on. But, if you think you’re exhausted after an afternoon of chasing your kids from soccer to karate to ballet before doing homework, imagine what they’re going through.
Here are some things you can do right now to help your kids feel better in the short term and do better in the long run:
Keep them hydrated. Water is what gives us life. You could drink 9 or 10 sodas and still not feel well or fully energized. The same is true for kids. When they’re running around, they need water to remain energized and full of life. Keep water handy.
Make sure your kids are eating healthy. And you, too. Healthy eating habits are a major part of whether your kids feel hungry, sleepy, sick, or unable to keep up. Make sure they’re getting enough healthy food to be sure they remain standing tall instead of slumping over.
Get some good sleep. And make sure your kids do, too. We don’t seem to realize that sleep helps the mind, body, and soul rejuvenate. It helps get rid of stress and helps you to prepare for the day ahead.
You and your kids need all the help you can get dealing with the busy world that is life after school starts. Sleep, food, and water habits can make all the difference in a positive or negative way. It’s really up to you.
Source: blog.champssports.com/no-days-off-survive-first-week-practice-school-year/