With all the different types of accidents you have to worry about your children being involved in, it’s no wonder you probably forgot about poisoning accident injuries until now. When you have small children, you worry about them getting hit by a car, being injured on a bicycle or a skateboard, being bit by a dog, or being hurt playing sports or horsing around in the swimming pool. But you don’t worry about your children being poisoned. After all, when your children are home, they are with you.
Unfortunately, statistics from the National Safety Council (NSC) indicate that accidental poisonings are the number one cause of death in more than 20 states throughout the United States. Nearly 2,350 children in Arizona are seen in the emergency room each year for injuries caused by accidental poisoning, according to the Arizona Department of Health Services (AZDHS). That’s why it is critical for parents to know and implement safety precautions in their own homes. Here’s what you can do to protect your children from unnecessary injuries and accidental poisoning incidents.
Put locks on cabinets that contain chemicals and medicines. This will protect your own children, your pets, and other children who come into your home, including the friends of your children, neighborhood kids, and your nieces and nephews.
Never leave out medications or chemicals, even dish soap and other types of cleaning supplies where kids can get to them. You should also lock up things like baking soda, vinegar, and alcohol, as all of these can be dangerous to children in large quantities.
Teach your children the importance of not eating or drinking anything that they are not allowed to have in their possession. If you have teenagers and suspect that they may be experimenting with drugs or alcohol, you should speak to them immediately and help them understand not just their own risks, but also the risk these things pose to their younger brothers and sisters.
Be present. As a parent, it is important to be aware of what is going on with your children, no matter where they are. If your young children have a tendency to eat what they shouldn’t, warn the parents of their friends before they go over for a play date.
Remember, while you can’t avoid every accident, if you take safety precautions you will be able to reduce the risk of injury to your children.