Every year at the end of the summer, teens become more susceptible to Eagar swimming accidents. Perhaps it is because summer is coming to a close and they want to spend as much time in the pool as possible, or perhaps the school season has started, bringing with it stress and anxiety, and they just need to blow a little extra steam. As a parent, it’s important to know that as the summer comes to a close, the chances of your teen being injured in one of the following swimming accidents can increase:
Rough housing that leads to head injuries, drowning, and other serious injuries in or around the pool.
Running around the pool, or running and jumping off the diving board.
Swimming late at night and at parties, especially without adult supervision.
Preventing Eagar Swimming Accidents and Injuries
As a parent, you already know that you cannot possibly prevent every injury or Eagar swimming accident that may befall your teen. But that doesn’t mean you can’t take some pre-emptive action to protect your child as much as possible. Try:
Teaching your teen CPR so they can help others in need.
Ensuring that your teen knows how to swim.
Teaching your teen pool rules and setting consequences for when they break them.
When to Talk to an Eagar Swimming Accident Attorney
If you’ve done everything you can and your child still sustains injuries in an Eagar swimming accident, it may be time to contact a skilled personal injury attorney. Attorneys Alexis and Mark Breyer know how terrifying and frustrating it is when your child is injured and will do whatever possible to settle your case quickly and without stress. We focus on meeting your family’s needs from assisting you in finding top-notch medical care to ensuring that you receive a settlement that will cover the costs of care, lost wages, pain and suffering and other losses. To start the conversation about your teen’s recovery today, contact the Breyer Law Offices, P.C.