Halloween is around the corner and children are getting excited to choose costumes and attend parties, while homeowners are getting ready to be inundated with trick-or-treaters in the evening.
During the day, most schools will host Halloween-themed celebrations while other cities and organizations such as downtown Mesa, will host a Main Street Trick-or-Treat event for all ages…
After the day of Halloween celebrations, families return home to prepare their houses for trick-or-treaters. Here are a few tips to make sure your house is safe and welcoming for guests:
Make sure all outdoor lighting is turned on and working. Replace broken bulbs with new ones.
Clear your sidewalk, walkways, and stairs from debris and clutter. Nail in any loose boards and make sure there are no tripping hazards. Also, clean up any wet or slippery areas. Use solar path lights to mark the walkway and show visitors where to go.
Make a plan for your pets. Don’t allow them to bark or bite at visitors who knock on your door for treats. Instead, keep them in a kennel or locked in a room where they won’t get too excited by the ringing doorbell. If you want to keep them at the door with you, have them on a leash and under control. Cats should be kept inside on Halloween because of the increased traffic around your neighborhood.
Don’t use candles with real flames inside jack o-lanterns to avoid fire hazards.
Opt for healthier treats like fruit, vegetables, and drinks. Avoid candies that can pose choking hazards and health issues.
Never invite strangers into your house. Trick-or-treaters can remain on your porch while you hand out goodies. Lock the door between visitors.
Remind visitors to watch for cars as they leave your house, and to walk safely in groups.
Turn lights off in your house when you are finished passing out treats. This will let visitors know you are no longer accepting any guests.
If you have to drive at night, watch carefully for trick-or-treaters as you pull out of your driveway. Stay alert and be ready to brake for children who might run into the street or cross in areas that don’t have a crosswalk. Obey all traffic signals.
While most homeowners will take extra precautions to make sure no one is injured this Halloween season, some unfortunately won’t. Be sure to assess each house your family visits: is it well-lit? Are there any visible hazards that your children could trip or slip on? Is there a handrail for the stairs? If not, skip the house and keep your family safe. If you or a loved one is injured, seek medical care immediately and call The Husband and Wife Law Team.