When you are injured in a nursing home accident, you may feel, or be made to feel, that your rights are limited. But as the resident of a nursing home, you have many more rights under the law than you think you do. According to R9-10-710(A)-(D), if you live in an assisted living facility, the facility must have a written resident rights policy, and for those individuals living in a skilled nursing or general nursing home, many of the same rights apply under 42 C.F.R. and § 483.10. Those rights include but are not limited to:
Self-determination and the right to live a dignified life.
Being allowed to exercise your own rights without interference from nursing staff.
The right to refuse treatment from any doctor or nursing staff.
The right to communicate with any person inside or outside the home.
What to Do if You Are Involved in a Nursing Home Accident
Being involved in a nursing home accident can leave you frightened and feeling isolated. But you have the right to protect yourself and to reach out for help. If you are hurt in an accident, you should immediately:
Call a friend or family member on the outside.
Get to a medical doctor of your choosing as quickly as possible.
Reach out to an attorney to get help, especially if your accident was caused by another person’s actions or negligence.
Why Call on a Nursing Home Accident Attorney
If you are injured in a nursing home accident and need help defending your rights, it is time to contact a skilled personal injury attorney. The attorneys at the Breyer Law Offices, P.C. will do whatever it takes to help you get justice and a fair settlement for your injuries and related medical expenses, your personal suffering, and other damages. We know that injury accidents come with a great deal of stress and will do whatever we can to ease your suffering as quickly as possible. For help with your case, contact The Husband and Wife Law Team today.