The holidays are coming up, and that means the risk of being involved in a drunk driving accident will increase. According to reports from the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, this year’s numbers showed that there were many more people being caught driving under the influence (DUI) on the roads this year. Reports indicated that officers arrested 534 drivers this year for drunk driving offenses, while slightly more than 420 were arrested for the same offenses last year. These numbers are likely to continue to remain high, as people come together to celebrate the holidays. As a motorist, you have to do what you can to protect yourself against these drivers, and the injuries that come with the accidents they may cause. Here are some of the best ways to do just that.
Learn the warning signs of a drunk driver. This could be weaving, changing speeds dramatically, following you too closely, or slowing down and slamming on the brakes in front of you repeatedly. When you see these warning signs, whether you believe the driver to be drunk or not, it’s important to take evasive action and get away from this driver.
Never flash your headlights at a driver that you believe may be drunk. Flashing your headlights into the vehicle of a suspected drunk driver can cause them to panic, which may lead to a serious accident.
Do not attempt to speed around a drunk driver. It may seem counterintuitive to stay behind a drunk driver on the road, but when you do not have the option to get off the road, it’s best to lag behind. When you speed past a drunk driver, they may take it as a challenge, or even weave into your vehicle.
Pull off the road, if necessary. Pulling off the side of the road and turning off your headlights will help a drunk driver pass you, if they’ve been following too close. Alternatively, you can take an exit and get completely off the road to avoid being in danger.
Reach out to the drunk driving injury lawyers at The Husband and Wife Law Team at Breyer Law Offices, P.C. if you or someone you love has suffered considerable losses in a drunk driving accident.