As the July 4 holiday weekend approaches, more and more vacationers are heading toward beautiful lakes. As boating accident lawyers, we believe it is important this time of the year to remember that boating can be dangerous and that safe boating habits should be practiced at all times.
According to the Arizona Game and Fish Department, “All vessels except sailboards and certain racing shells or rowing skulls must have at least one wearable… life jacket…” Vessels 16 feet or longer are also required to have a floatation device on board in case someone falls overboard. Additionally, all children under the age of 13 are required to wear a USCG approved life jacket at all times while on a boat.
Boat operators should be extremely careful especially during the summer when the waters may be congested with those swimming, kayaking, boating or operating jet skis. Passengers should remain seated while the boat is moving. Although it is common for individuals on a lake to drink, it is critical that no one gets on a boat while under the influence. Operating a boat under the influence (OUI) is a serious offense. Passengers who are under the influence also put themselves at risk.
If you or a loved one is involved in a boating accident, it is important you treat it like you would a car accident. Insurance and contact information should be exchanged, the authorities should be notified and anyone that has been injured should seek immediate medical attention.
The knowledgeable personal injury attorneys at The Breyer Law Offices P.C. help injured victims of boating accidents get compensation for the damages they have suffered. We provide no cost consultations to anyone that has suffered a loss in a boat accident.