Motorcycle riding for some people can be an exciting experience. However, accidents involving stationary objects often injure or kill motorcyclists. Nationally, 25% of motorcycle accidents involve stationary objects. Knowing your responsibilities and rights as a motorcyclist can help you avoid injuries or obtain compensation in an accident.
How Stationary Objects are Hazardous to Phoenix Motorcycle Riders
Motorcyclists encounter numerous obstructions on Phoenix roads and highways. Road barriers, pot holes, construction roadway equipment such as cones and construction signs, guard rails, light or telephone poles, and walls are hazardous to motorcyclists. Debris in the road from unsecured loads, illegal garbage dumping, recent vehicle accidents, and natural events such as windstorms can also create stationary object hazards. A common stationary object hazard is a car or other vehicle doors that open unexpectedly in the motorcyclist’s path. Motorcyclists can fail to see a passenger opening a vehicle door and ride into it. Similarly, when opening a door, a person needs to be aware of his/her surroundings.
If You Are in a Phoenix Stationary Object Motorcycle Accident
If you are in a stationary object motorcycle accident, you may be able to pursue compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and property damage to the motorcycle. In the tragic loss of life, survivors may be able to pursue wrongful death compensation. The important thing is to document the accident circumstances through witness testimony, police records, and medical records. Immediately summon police and emergency personnel when you are in an accident. Obtain police and medical records including surgeries and prescription drug costs for insurance and legal purposes. Get witness names, addresses, and phone numbers. Take photos of the accident site and the damage if you are able. Document the evidence as immediately as you can after the accident. Your next step should then be contacting a dedicated Phoenix motorcycle accident injury attorney.
Safety Tips for Phoenix Motorcycle Riders
It is essential for motorcyclists to be careful of personal safety while riding. Be alert to your surroundings. This means keeping your eyes on the road, not drinking and riding, and being especially vigilant when you are not familiar with the area. Avoid riding in dangerous, road slick weather such as snow and rain. Wearing protective riding clothing is also something to consider. If you wear a helmet, make sure it fits properly. Wearing a helmet cannot prevent all head injuries, but it can lessen the risks of severe brain damage. Following these safety precautions can help you establish your credibility as a motorcyclist and as a responsible driver when you are in court seeking damages due to the negligence of others.
Breyer Law Offices, P.C. can help if you or a loved one has suffered injuries in a motorcycle accident. Please contact us.