It’s nearing the end of summer, and you know what that means: you will spend as much time outside as possible. Likely, you don’t want to spend your time thinking about whether or not you could possibly be involved in a collision with a vehicle. And you shouldn’t have to spend your entire summer concerned about this topic. However, it’s important to consider the topic and all of the ways you can avoid these incidents before you start heading out for your daily runs and walks around the neighborhood. It’s easy to take care of yourself and avoid having to wonder whether you’ll be safe every time you head out of your home and worry what will happen if you are involved in an accident. Some of the best ways you can protect yourself when you’re out walking around Cave Creek this summer include:
Do the majority of your walking and running during the day. When you run and walk during the daylight hours, drivers are more likely to see you, and will be less likely to strike you with their vehicle. Running and walking at night can make it more difficult for drivers to see you. If you must run or walk at night, it is critical to wear bright colored or white clothing so that you are as visible as possible to motorists.
Walk on the sidewalk as much as possible. Some runners like to run on the road as a part of training for marathons, etc. But for safety purposes, it is important to run on the sidewalk as much as possible. Those who are walking to get to where they are going should also remain on the sidewalk as much as possible.
Walk against traffic. Walking against traffic gives you the opportunity to react to oncoming cars and to ensure that they see you and make eye contact with you before they make a move. Taking all opportunities possible to make eye contact with motorists and to make sure that they see you will help minimize your risk of being involved in a collision.
When you are out walking or running it’s up to you to keep yourself safe. Putting your safety first will help you to avoid being injured in a collision and from becoming another senseless statistic.