To quote a cliché: “A picture is worth a thousand words.” When a construction worker suffers a serious on a job site in a construction accident, a picture may mean the difference between being financially compensated for a critical injury or getting nothing.
A claim for a construction accident can be complicated, and a lot of the time people only get reimbursed through workers’ compensation after getting hurt on the job. Workers’ compensation is often the only way to be compensated financially after a getting hurt on the job. Yet it is sometimes the case that another party caused the construction site injury through their negligence. Most construction workers are not aware that they may have the right to claim for personal injuries suffered on the job, depending upon the situation.
Since so many injured workers do not know they have a right to file a claim in the case of a construction accident, pictures of the place where workers were injured often are not taken. Construction sites change rapidly and evidence can easily be tampered with or even destroyed after an on the job injury occurs. Because of this, it is important to inform anyone in the construction trade that should they be injured on a construction site, photos should be taken immediately. While OSHA will investigate the most serious injuries, as experienced construction accident lawyers we have seen cases where an investigation was not done, or where photos were not considered necessary in the inquiry even in major construction accidents that result in life-threatening and life-changing injuries.
That is why any investigation into injuries that happen to construction workers should always involve photographing the scene of the construction accident. Now, a seriously injured individual can still file a personal injury claim even if there are not photos taken, but since the injured party must prove negligence by another party in order to successfully recover damages it will be more difficult. Photographs improve the chance that a claim for a construction accident will be proved and compensated.
We can provide anyone who has been injured in a construction accident with a copy of our personal injury master guide to claims called “13 Biggest Mistakes That Can Destroy Your Injury Case.” As skilled and knowledgeable personal injury attorneys, we wrote this book to aid people who are considering filing a personal injury claim. It answers many questions people have about whether or not to pursue a lawsuit, and empowers a person to make the best decision for themselves and their families.