With the help of the principal, Kathy Kerwin, at Dobson Academy, The Husband & Wife Law Team surprised a wonderful and deserving recipient with their monthly Teacher Appreciation Award. Jordyn Genevro was surprised in front of a large group at their back to school flagpole assembly. Mark was welcomed with open arms and Jordyn was overjoyed with excitement. Mark expressed the importance of how much teachers do, but how few of them actually get the recognition they deserve. Mark was not shocked, but said it was “almost rude” the amount of nominations Jordyn had received. With over 40 nominations, Mark and the students helped to give Jordyn a powerful standing ovation as she was presented her awards. As tears ran down her face, she was just thrilled and happy to not only be recognized, but work for such a great school with amazing children. Mark surprised Jordyn with a check in the amount of $250.00, a plaque for her classroom, and a few more surprises! She was humbled and even more excited when she was told that she would be featured on The Husband and Wife billboards throughout the Valley for a day. But the surprises didn’t stop there. Not only was she awarded $250.00 and an appreciation plaque, but Mark also rewarded Jordyn and her class with a pizza party!
Jordyn Genevro, Rogers Ranch School
Jordyn is a special education teacher at Dobson Academy. Before she made her journey to the desert she lived in Michigan where she attended Central Michigan University. She majored in Special Education and minored in reading. She has a great husband who is a physical therapist in Tempe and a beautiful baby girl who just turned one. In her freetime she loves to cook and do arts and crafts. She has a passion for children and helping them learn. She absolutely has a love for learning and enjoys working with such amazing kids at Dobson Academy!