With the help of Bioscience High School’s Secretary to the Principal, Evelyn Gonzales, and fellow teacher, Heidi Konstantopoulos, The Husband & Wife Law Team surprised another deserving teacher with their Monthly Teacher Appreciation Award.
Shoshanna Kroeger’s 1st period Science class was briefly interrupted by attorney Mark Breyer when he entered her class carrying a giant check in the amount of $250.00. As this month’s award winner Ms. Kroeger will also receive the custom teacher appreciation plaque, a feature spot on The Husband and Wife Billboards for a day, and a pizza party for her students. Congratulations Ms. Kroeger!
Bioscience High School, Phoenix Union School District, Phoenix
Shoshanna Kroeger is February’s recipient because her role as an educator is focused on assisting students in constructing knowledge about the natural world through laboratory exploration, field experience, and service learning. In doing so, she connects this understanding to enrich the lives of her students as well as the local and global community. However, her role as an educator goes beyond the classroom at Bioscience; she is a role model and an inspiration to many!