With the help of Sirrine Elementary School’s Principal Renee Parker, The Husband & Wife Law Team surprised another deserving recipient with their Monthly Teacher Appreciation Award. On Thursday May 11, Mark Breyer surprised a very well deserving 4th grade teacher in Chandler. Mrs. Jackman was definitely confused when Mark walked into her classroom holding a microphone and a giant $250 check. When she found out what she won, she was so touched and teary eyed and couldn’t wait to share her gift with her students. She had no idea what else he had in store…as this month’s award recipient Ms. Fischer also received a customized Teacher Appreciation plaque for her to keep, a feature spot on The Husband and Wife Billboards for a day, and a pizza party for her class. Congratulations Mrs. Jackman!
Jennifer Jackman, Sirrine Elementary School, Mesa Public Schools, Chandler
Jennifer Jackman is deserving of this honor as she sets high expectations for learning and personal accountability. She gives students an understanding of the importance of real-life applications and teaches them to extend their knowledge with consistent feedback, discussions and collaborative projects. Mrs. Jackman gives her time outside of the school day with literacy club, battle of the books and attending various functions that highlight students. We appreciate all that Mrs. Jackman does and the difference she makes in the lives of the entire Sirrine community.