The Husband & Wife Law Team, Mark and Alexis Breyer, selected Erika Worthington, a 7th grade science teacher at Westwind Elementary School, as the Teacher Appreciation Award winner for the month of September.
With the help of Westwind Elementary principal Natasha Camp, district administrators, fellow staffers, and the entire 7th grade, Mark Breyer surprised Ms. Worthington with an award presentation, a giant check for $250.00, and a pizza party for the entire 7th grade.
Erika Worthington, Westwind Elementary School
"She is caring and loves to teach the students at our school," stated the winning nomination. "She works with other teachers with one goal in mind; what is best for our students."
Worthington was recruited from Teach for America, a national teacher corps of recent college graduates, and is in her 2nd year of teaching Science at Westwind Elementary. "She wants the students to be engaged and does whatever it takes to make them become scientists."