Construction Zone Accident

Representation for Victims of Construction Zone Accidents
Construction zones are one big hassle. Of course, it’s a good thing that the roads are getting fixed. But it sure is a drag when a work zone makes you late for work.
Work zones are treacherous places. You might encounter dangerous road conditions that could cause a crash. And other drivers tend to get really frustrated and make careless decisions.
If you were injured in a work zone collision, contact The Husband & Wife Law Team right away. We’ll investigate the accident to determine who’s at fault. Then we’ll file a claim to help you get the money you need to cover the cost of your medical bills.
Dangerous Work Zones Are a Real Problem
People in other states only have to worry about works zones when the weather is nice. But thanks to our superior climate, we have construction workers making road repairs practically year-round in Arizona.
When construction zones are badly designed or improperly maintained, the results can be devastating. Hazards caused by shoddy work zones include:
Sudden detours
Uneven road surfaces
Poorly marked lanes
Workers in the roadway
Missing or incorrect traffic signs
Unmarked potholes or drop-offs
Flaggers who provide faulty directions
Construction vehicles pulling into traffic
Equipment and debris in the roadway
Insufficient lighting for night construction
When Other Drivers Won’t Follow the Rules
Work zones funnel everyone on the road into a tight space where they have to slow down right away. Some drivers don’t see the traffic signs and others simply refuse to reduce their speed before entering a construction zone. This creates hazards for everyone, including the flaggers who direct traffic and drivers who are following the rules.
Rear-end collisions and sideswipes are the most common accidents that result when drivers don’t exercise enough caution in a work zone. Careless driver activity that harms others may include:
Failure to follow posted signs
Who’s Liable for a Construction Zone Accident?
When it comes to motor vehicle accidents, Arizona is a contributory negligence state. That means the person who causes an accident is legally responsible for the harm that results.
In some cases, more than one person may be required to pay damages for the same accident. For example, if there was a hazard in the road that caused a driver to merge into you but the driver was also speeding, both the driver and the construction company could be held liable for the accident.
As part of their investigation, your construction zone accident attorney will determine who needs to pay for your injuries and other expenses caused by the crash. This may include:
Work crews and managers
Public officials
Makers of faulty equipment
Careless drivers
Were You Hurt in a Work Zone Crash?
Work zone accidents can be pretty complicated. And the insurance agents will probably try to blame you for your own injuries or point their fingers at somebody else. Don’t sign any statements with insurance agents or accept any offers until you speak with a Phoenix construction zone accident attorney.
The Husband & Wife Law Team has won millions of dollars in settlements for our clients. We won’t let the insurance companies rip you off. Call to schedule a FREE consultation today. Remember: You won’t owe us anything unless we win your case.