Out of State Driver

Did You Get Into a Crash While Visiting Phoenix? We Want to Help
Arizona is known for the snowbirds who come to stay when the weather turns cold and blustery in their home state. Colorado, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, and even Canada are just a few of the areas snowbirds come from. While Arizona welcomes these travelers every year, what happens when out-of-state drivers get into a crash – and worse, suffer injuries?
The insurance issues can be complicated, and we recommend talking to an experienced Phoenix personal injury attorney right away. The Husband & Wife Law Team can determine who was responsible for the accident, and speak to the insurance companies on your behalf. If there’s compensation available for you, we’ll get it.
Insurance for Out-of-State Drivers
Auto insurance generally follows a driver around no matter where he goes within the United States. As a driver moves from one state to another, the policy limits will adjust according to the requirements of the state the crash occurred in. However, driving through another state for a day or two is different from staying in another state for several months.
For this reason, snowbirds staying in Arizona for an extended time and using a vehicle should contact their insurance company. There may be additional insurance that needs to be purchased, and the vehicle may even have to be registered with the Arizona Motor Vehicle Division.
Insurance for Out-of-Country Drivers
When a snowbird is from another country, such as Canada, insurance issues become more complicated. While auto insurance will generally follow someone from state to state, it will not do so when someone leaves the country. Anyone traveling to Arizona from Canada should speak with an insurance company in the United States that can help them obtain the proper insurance.
Tort rules will still apply for any wreck that occurs in Arizona, though, so Canadian drivers will have to go through the at-fault driver’s insurance company to claim compensation.
Steps to Take After an Auto Accident
The steps to take after colliding with an out-of-state driver are no different than with someone from Arizona.
The first step is to contact the police, and emergency services such as an ambulance, if necessary. This will allow the people who need medical attention to receive it as soon as possible. Collisions must also be reported to the police in Arizona if the accident resulted in injury, death, or property damage over $1,000.
Next, all damage should be assessed and documented. Pictures of the scene, particularly any injuries or damage sustained, should be taken. Taking a picture of the other driver’s license plate can also help with any insurance claims.
The drivers involved should also exchange their information with each other. This includes names, driver’s license numbers, and insurance information.
Lastly, after any serious crash, contact a local car crash lawyer. A lawyer will not only represent those injured if they wish to claim compensation against the at-fault driver, but will speak to the insurance companies on the injured person’s behalf.
Contact Car Accident Attorneys at The Husband & Wife Law Team
Being involved in a wreck when you’re far from home can be traumatic. It doesn’t have to stay that way, though. If you’ve been in an accident, call The Husband & Wife Law Team. Our car accident attorneys are here to help you through it. If someone else caused the collision, we will determine who is liable, and help you claim full compensation for your injuries. Don’t try to deal with injuries on your own. Call us today so we can begin reviewing your case and determining your best course of action.