Wrong Way Accident Lawyers in AZ

Legal Help After a Wrong-Way Driving Accident
A wrong-way driver crash is the type of unthinkable event that people dread. Drivers normally trust each other to follow the basic traffic rules that keep us all safe, so it’s almost inconceivable when somebody does something so dangerous.
Any of type of car accident can cause injuries, but wrong-way driver crashes are particularly dangerous. If you or someone you love has been injured or killed by someone who was driving in the wrong direction, an experienced car accident lawyer can help you get the compensation you need to cover the costs of your medical treatment and other expenses.
At The Husband & Wife Law Team, we have extensive experience with handling serious car accident injury cases. Call us today to discuss your case and see how we can help you.
What Causes a Wrong-Way Driver Crash?
A wrong-way driver crash happens when a driver makes a wrong turn that leads them into traffic that is traveling in the other direction. Factors contributing to wrong way accidents may include:
Drug and alcohol use. Intoxicated drivers are involved in more than 60 percent of wrong-way driver accidents, according to the National Transportation Safety Board. These accidents are likely to occur when someone makes a blatant error, such as entering a freeway using the exit ramp. It’s not surprising that drivers who cause wrong-way accidents are often found to be well beyond the legal blood alcohol content (bac) limit.
Distracted driving such as talking or texting while driving may cause a driver to merge against traffic or turn the wrong direction onto a one-way street.
Older drivers are at a greater risk for causing wrong way accidents, often due to medical conditions such as dementia of impaired vision that can lead to a mistake with catastrophic consequences.
Poorly marked on ramps that don’t have Do Not Enter signs or warning signs that are obstructed by foliage could cause a driver to enter a street or highway in the wrong direction.
Wrong-Way Driver Crashes
The legal definition of a “wrong-way driving accidents” as it relates to civil penalties under Arizona law does not include accidents that cause a vehicle to spin around or cross the centerline into oncoming traffic. And aggressive driving that results in dangerous maneuvers such as an ill-advised attempt to pass another driver can result in a collision with an oncoming vehicle also falls under a different category.
These are clearly serious accidents and the victim would still want to pursue just compensation by hiring an Arizona car accident injury attorney, but such incidents don’t fall under the strict legal definition of a wrong-way driver accident.
Injuries Caused by Wrong-Way Driver Accidents
When two vehicles crash directly into one another, it causes tremendous impact. That’s why serious injuries and fatalities are likely to result from wrong-way driver crashes. The results of these accidents may include:
Getting Compensation for Death and Injuries
Wrong way accidents happen more often than you might think. In fact, hundreds of people are killed by wrong-way drivers every year. Although it may seem obvious that the wrong-way driver was responsible for your injuries or the death of a loved one, getting the compensation you deserve can be complicated.
Even in the most obvious cases of driver malfeasance, insurance companies are reluctant to provide fair compensation to victims. They are in business to make money and they do this by limiting claims as much as possible. That’s why you should never accept an offer from an insurance company until you speak with an experienced Phoenix wrong-way driver accident attorney.
Your Phoenix personal injury attorney will investigate the accident and calculate the full extent of your medical costs and other expenses to help you get a fair settlement. Your lawyer will also determine if other parties are at fault in addition to the driver of the vehicle which caused the accident. For example, negligent parties may also include government officials who failed to provide clearly marked warning signs.
The Husband & Wife Law Team is Here to Help
A wrong-way driver collision is a devastating event. The Husband & Wife Law Team can help you on the road to recovery by fighting to get you the compensation you need. It’s time to start putting your life back together. Our team is on your side!