Crane Accidents

Get Help Now for Your Crane Accident Injuries
Recent catastrophic crane accidents in New York and elsewhere have made the news, making construction workers and their families wonder what events may lead to a crane accident and what victims of crane accidents can do. Below please find information about your legal rights when it comes to crane accidents.
How Do Crane Accidents Happen?
Perhaps the biggest tragedy about almost all crane accidents is that nearly every one of them is entirely preventable. As with other types of construction equipment accidents, a number of different factors can cause them. Crane accidents can occur when loads are dropped, when the crane tilts over or collapses, or even when a worker falls from a crane. Other common causes for crane accidents include injuries due to electrocution, injuries that occur when material spills out of the crane and hits a person or people below it, or even injuries that happen during the process of erecting or taking apart the crane.
Regardless of how the accident happened, the results of a crane accident are usually brutal and the injuries they cause to their victims can be fatal. A crane accident can result in broken bones, serious lacerations, horrible disfigurement, facial injuries, traumatic brain injury, paralysis, chemical burns, electrocution, and even death. All of these potential injuries carry with them serious financial, emotional, and physical costs to the crane accident victim and his or her family.
Get Compensation for Your Serious Injuries
On top of the high medical expenses usually incurred as the result of a crane accident, a victim may also suffer psychological trauma, physical rehabilitation, and perhaps even ongoing care. So often a person's ability to work and earn a living is greatly affected, or in some cases a person may not even be able to continue working at all. This creates a situation in which a person suffers an ongoing financial need that affects the workers family as well.
Even though the law allows injury victims of construction accidents, including crane accidents, to file a claim for compensation relating to their injuries, the Arizona legal system can be treacherous for plaintiffs. A person who has been injured in a crane accident must bolster their legal case with enough evidence to overcome the burden of proof, which simply means the person who is filing the claim to bring enough proof against the party who was allegedly negligent to convince a jury or a judge of their argument.
This usually requires that a detailed investigation take place, experts witnesses are brought to support the evidence, and every other possible piece of information relating to the accident is carefully noted. The construction accident lawyers at The Husband & Wife Law Team understand all the obstacles facing those who wish to file an accident lawsuit in Arizona. We work hard to get our clients' voices heard so that we may collect reasonable compensation for them through fair settlements or successful verdicts.
Contact Our Crane Accident Lawyers
If you have been hurt in a crane accident, you may have a valid lawsuit but be warned that the time to file a crane accident injury lawsuit could be seriously constrained by the statutes of limitation. We invite you to contact The Husband & Wife Law Team today for more information and a free case consultation with no further obligation.