OSHA Violation

Is Your Employer in Violation of OSHA Laws?
If you work at a construction site, you are probably aware of the hazards you face on a regular basis. Falling objects, spills, faulty equipment, and other dangers can pose a threat to everyone on-site if the employer fails to ensure that they are not present. Contrary to popular belief, it is not the legal responsibility of the employee, but that of the employer, to ensure that a worksite is safe and free of unnecessary dangers. Many site owners and employers conveniently forget this fact to save time and money, unknowingly exposing their workers to the threat of injury or death in the process.
What Are the Responsibilities of an Employer ?
According to OSHA law, employers must provide a safe workplace for their employees. This involves adhering to numerous rules and regulations, including the ones below.
Periodically examine the workplace to ensure that it is safe and free of hazards.
Provide safety training to all permanent and temporary personnel.
Offer medical examinations when required.
Make OSHA regulations available to all workers by making an OSHA poster visible in a common area.
Show employees how to properly store and dispose of hazardous chemicals.
Use a common color code, along with labels, posters, or signs to warn employees about potential workplace dangers.
These are just a few of the OSHA regulations that employers are required to follow, but there are dozens more to adhere to. This list shows the seriousness of workplace safety and training.
Record Keeping Laws and Regulations
Contractors often attempt to circumvent OSHA regulations by failing to document workplace injuries and deaths in a timely and detailed manner. Engaging in such behaviors is illegal, and employers with more than 10 employees must keep meticulous records of workplace injuries and deaths. The information must be submitted to OSHA electronically and made available to all current, past, and potential employees. If the following occurs at a worksite, the employer must submit records within 24 hours.
Most employers are required to keep and submit records, but the company that caused your injuries may be exempt if you work in a low-risk industry.
Who Can File a Complaint With OSHA?
Anyone can file an OSHA complaint, and there are ways to do it anonymously. Filing a complaint should be taken seriously, and you should only file one if OSHA regulations have been violated. Some companies will even attempt to retaliate against those individuals who file complaints. Retaliation is illegal, and the government offers protection to those workers who complain. When examining your complaint, OSHA officials will take the three following factors into consideration:
Who filed it?
How severe is the accusation?
Can the accusation be proven?
OSHA divides the United States into jurisdictions, and if you need to file a complaint, you will need to contact your jurisdiction's central office. You can call OSHA's toll-free number 1-800-321-6742 (OSHA) if you don't know who to contact, but if you accidentally file with the wrong office, they will still forward your complaint to the right one. You can file a complaint by calling the office or writing a letter, and you will have the option of using your real name or filing anonymously. OSHA gives anonymous complaints lower priority, but if you decide to provide your name, you can request to have it withheld.
Learn More, Call Our OSHA Violation Lawyers
If your injury was caused by your company's refusal to adhere to OSHA regulations, you will certainly need the help of a trained on the job injury attorney. Here at The Husband & Wife Law Team, we have extensive experience trying and winning OSHA-related cases. We can help you prove your case, and our legal team won't rest until you get the justice you deserve. Contact us today.