Talcum Powder

Talcum Powder Ovarian Cancer Claim
If you or someone you love developed ovarian cancer after years of using talcum powder, you may need assistance from an Arizona talcum powder lawsuit attorney. Injuries, cancer, and other issues in women who used talcum powder for a significant period of time are common, but getting the right help for these injuries and their aftermath is difficult for many women, and may even seem impossible. Because the latency period can be up to 20 years or more for injuries and cancer to become apparent from talcum powder and baby powder products, and the buildup of talc in the ovaries can take many years to develop and become a problem, many women don't even know they're at risk until a problem develops. And getting help from the makers of these products can seem like a desperate and futile act. But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't seek help or that you are alone in your fight. An injury lawyer or product liability attorney can help you to make certain that your voice is heard and that you get the assistance you deserve to fight for your health in your recovery.
The attorneys at The Husband & Wife Law Team have been standing up for the rights of individuals injured or killed by medical, health, and self-care hygiene products for more than 20 years, and we will do whatever it takes to stand up for your rights and get you the resolution and compensation you deserve for your suffering. We understand not only how the law works and applies to your case but also the game plan of the defending manufacturer, and we use it all to your advantage. We're ready to help you with your recovery whenever you are ready to take a stand, and if you're unable to travel to us, we will come to you.
What Is Talcum Powder?
Talcum powder is a mineral powder that is made to reduce the collection of moisture on the skin and to reduce friction. The main purpose of using talcum powder in cosmetics and personal hygiene products is to collect oil and moisture buildup in an effort to reduce outbreaks and oily-looking skin, and to reduce skin rashes caused by the friction of clothing on the skin. Talcum powder products, like baby powder, Shower-to-Shower, and other personal hygiene “stay dry” products are made by companies like Johnson & Johnson, and are marketed to all people, but most frequently to men and women. The powder, marketed as a safe hygiene product for staying fresh and dry contains three main elements: oxygen, silicon, and magnesium.
What Health Risks Should I Discuss with My Lawyer?
Most health and hygiene products come with some degree of risk, and are usually labeled as having these risks, but with baby powder and other like products, it is important to talk to your talcum powder lawsuit attorney about the role this product may have played in your injuries and suffering. If you used baby powder products containing talcum powder, or other products containing the mineral, for feminine hygiene purposes and later developed ovarian cancer, there may be a link between the two and it is important to talk to your attorney about your use of talcum powder-containing products. Information regarding this link notes that it is possible for particles of talc to travel through the vagina and settle in the ovaries, where they can cause severe inflammation and may even stimulate the growth of cancer cells in that area of the body.
Who Is Responsible for My Talcum Powder-Caused Cancer or Injuries?
Despite medical evidence suggesting otherwise as far back as 1971, Johnson & Johnson and the other makers and distributors of products containing talcum powder insist that the mineral-based powder and their resulting products are completely safe for use. Evidence from 1994 suggests that Johnson & Johnson, in particular, was made aware of a definitive link between talcum powder and ovarian cancer discovered by the Cancer Prevention Coalition. Because the makers and distributors of talcum powder-based products failed to warn consumers that this product had potential risks associated with its use, and ignored repeated evidence indicating the risk of the development of cancer, they may be liable for your cancer and other injuries resulting from the use of talcum powder-based products. Working with an Arizona talcum powder lawsuit attorney can help you to better understand the liability of these companies in your case.
Can I Receive Compensation for My Talcum Powder Cancer or Injuries?
Every case involving talcum powder cancer and other injuries is unique, and whether or not you can receive compensation is based on factors relating to your individual case. Working with a lawyer may help you to secure compensation for pain and suffering, medical expenses, loss of wages, permanent damages, loss of the ability to work, loss of life in cases where the cancer is not treatable or a death occurs as a result of the injuries or cancer, expenses relating to death and loss, and more. It is important to understand that the statute of limitations is usually two years from the discovery of your cancer or other injuries.
The Legal Team That Helps You Stand Tall
The Husband & Wife Law Team know that suffering from talcum powder cancer or injuries is devastating for you and your family. We do whatever it takes to build a strong case and get you the compensation and justice needed for your recovery and peace of mind. To talk about your rights, responsibilities, and options after being diagnosed with ovarian cancer callfor a free consultation with attorneys Mark and Alexis Breyer.