
The Relationship Between Buses and Pedestrian Accidents

The Relationship Between Buses and Pedestrian Accidents

Accidents involving pedestrians and buses may occur due to a combination of factors, such as limited visibility for bus drivers, pedestrian negligence or distraction, and challenges associated with la…

Filing Injury Claims When Cell Phone Use Is Involved

Filing Injury Claims When Cell Phone Use Is Involved

Drivers must pay attention to the road at all times because it only takes a moment of distraction to cause a tragic accident. That’s why it’s against the law to use a handheld device for texting, talk…

Seatbelt Law & How it Can Impact Your Personal Injury Claim

Seatbelt Law & How it Can Impact Your Personal Injury Claim

The single most important thing you can do to keep yourself and your passengers safe is to make sure everyone is wearing a seatbelt. In Arizona, it’s also the law. If you get pulled over, the driver m…

Do GoFundMe’s or Other Fundraisers Affect My Injury Claim?

Do GoFundMe’s or Other Fundraisers Affect My Injury Claim?

Medical debt is a huge problem in this country. Millions of Americans are saddled with overwhelming medical costs, and every year, hundreds of thousands of people are forced into bankruptcy because th…

Preventing Dog Attacks in Phoenix

Preventing Dog Attacks in Phoenix

Phoenix is a great town for dog-lovers, with plenty of places to play: Cesar Chavez Dog Park, Esteban Park, Hance Dog Park, Paradise Valley, Deer Valley, Deem Hills Park, and more! But according to th…

What If You Can’t Afford To See a Doctor After an Accident?

What If You Can’t Afford To See a Doctor After an Accident?

Accidents can be physically and emotionally traumatic experiences. Seeking prompt medical attention is often the first step to a full recovery. However, for many accident victims, the financial burden…

Crosswalks and the Right of Way for Pedestrians

Crosswalks and the Right of Way for Pedestrians

Arizona has many cities, towns, and communities, from bustling metropolises like Phoenix and Tucson to college towns and tourist destinations. These population centers are the locations of heavy traff…

The Role of Expert Witnesses in Injury Cases

The Role of Expert Witnesses in Injury Cases

Expert witnesses play a crucial role in personal injury cases, helping to navigate the complex legal and factual issues that arise. They are individuals with specialized knowledge, skills, training, o…

man on motorcycle

Recent Legislation Paves the Way for Motorcycle Lane Filtering

On March 24, 2022, Arizona’s Governor Doug Ducey introduced Senate Bill 1273, which allows the practice of lane filtering, and officially came into effect on September 24, 2022. It is essential to dis…

What Medical Tests Can I Expect After a Car Accident?

What Medical Tests Can I Expect After a Car Accident?

Car accidents can happen when you least expect them, and in the chaotic aftermath, it’s easy to overlook your own well-being. Sometimes, many car accident injuries are not immediately evident. Such in…

How Does One’s Age Affect Car Accident Risk?

How Does One’s Age Affect Car Accident Risk?

Statistically speaking, drivers in certain age groups are more likely to be involved in accidents than others. Teen drivers and older adult drivers have a higher risk of a crash, but middle-aged drive…

New Campaign Targets Distracted Driving Accidents

New Campaign Targets Distracted Driving Accidents

Distracted driving is a big problem in Arizona. Gilbert police are poised to take a stand against it and hold drivers responsible, according to reports from AZ Central. Reports indicate that Gilbert p…

How Does the Time of Day Affect Car Accident Likelihood?

How Does the Time of Day Affect Car Accident Likelihood?

Many different factors can contribute to car accidents, including the time of day. During certain hours, the risk of a crash is higher than at other times. The most dangerous driving hours can vary de…

How Teslas and Other Electric Vehicles Threaten Buildings

How Teslas and Other Electric Vehicles Threaten Buildings

When electric car batteries explode or catch on fire, the danger to vehicle occupants is extreme. Those who are present in nearby buildings may also be at risk. Defects and issues with electric vehicl…

Arizona Shouldn’t Follow Texas’s Anti-Water-Break Actions

Arizona Shouldn’t Follow Texas’s Anti-Water-Break Actions

Texas eliminated mandated water breaks for construction workers by passing House Bill 2127. The bill was approved by the legislature, signed by the governor, and will go into effect on September 1, 20…

Phoenix Renters Are Raising Unlit Courtyard Safety Concerns

Phoenix Renters Are Raising Unlit Courtyard Safety Concerns

Inadequate lighting on a property can lead to serious accidents and invite crime. Tenants of a Phoenix apartment complex have complained that multiple courtyard lights have been out for weeks, despite…

Will Self-Driving Cars Actually Make Our Roads Safer?

Will Self-Driving Cars Actually Make Our Roads Safer?

Autonomous vehicles have the potential to revolutionize transportation and reduce the number of vehicle accidents. Although, self-driving cars come with potential risks that must be addressed as they …

Can a Lack of Safety Gear Count Against an Injured Runner?

Can a Lack of Safety Gear Count Against an Injured Runner?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Arizona ranked sixth on a list of states with the highest pedestrian accident rates. In a state that is considered one of the m…

Are Motorcycles Significantly More Dangerous Than Cars?

Are Motorcycles Significantly More Dangerous Than Cars?

Motorcycle accidents can be significantly more catastrophic than other collisions on the road. Riders have less protection, even when wearing the proper gear, which makes them more vulnerable. Motorcy…

Why Do People Drive Without Their Lights On at Night?

Why Do People Drive Without Their Lights On at Night?

At one time, driving at night without headlights was a mistake drivers rarely made. In older model vehicles, the dashboard remains dark until you turn the headlights on, which is an automatic reminder…

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During a free consultation, we will look at the important aspects of your case, answer your questions, and explain your legal rights and options clearly. All submissions are confidentially reviewed by Mark Breyer.

Call Us 24/7 (602) 457-6222