At the Breyer Law Offices, P.C., we were saddened and shocked to hear that a recent helicopter accident was caused by pilot error, according to reports from Arizona Central News. The crash happened in early July 2012, killing four people, and has been under investigation ever since. Reports from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), released on July 23, indicated that the pilot was flying too low and hit a cable pulley system in a canyon before crashing. A final report on the crash has yet to be released. We are truly distressed over the deaths of the three passengers and pilot and our deepest and most heartfelt sympathies go out to their families through their continued grief.
Helicopter Accident Statistics and This Camp Verde Crash
This Camp Verde helicopter crash was not the only crash that has occurred in recent months in the state of Arizona. Recent news reports indicate the occurrence of at least four additional accidents involving helicopters between civilian aircraft and military aircraft since May, though these figures are not complete. Recent national statistics reported by the American Helicopter Society (AHS) indicate that 8.09 civil helicopter accidents occur for every 100,000 flight hours logged and that nearly 1.5 fatalities are experienced in the same number of hours nationwide. The number of civilian helicopter crashes is much higher than that of commercial airliners, where the accident rate sits at 6.22.
Why Contact an Arizona Crash Attorney
Like other wrongful death accidents, the families of those individuals killed in this tragic helicopter crash should reach out for help from a skilled helicopter accident lawyer. The Husband and Wife Law Team would devote our time and energy to this case as we would any other accidental death case and bring in engineers and other experts to help make the case as strong as possible. No matter what your wrongful death situation, the attorneys at the Breyer Law Offices, P.C. are here to help. Call us today.